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A Letter to the President of the International Olympic Committee

The President of the International Olympic Committee,
Mr. Rogge, The Honorary President, Mr. Samaranch:
        How are you?
         Even Mahjong as an intelligent mind game is not an official Olympic sport, we all looking forward a united, peaceful and friendly Olympic gala.
         Since Olympic Game was born, a state of cease-fire during the Game will be called out to ensure a peaceful sports gala and better understanding throughout the world.
         We all live in one earth village at the dawn of the 21st century. Unfortunately, there are still wars and violent in this world. Will you please ask a state of cease-fire and prompt Olympic spirit again, stopping all the violent activities during the game, giving the whole world a united, peaceful and friendly Olympic gala. Those who despite world civilization and engage in terrorist activities will surely suffer for their actions.
         We believe that under your advocates and supports of peace loving nations around the world, the 29th Olympic Game will be a huge success for all the people around the world and the host nation.
The World Mahjong Organization

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