World Mahjong Contest Center_Listinfo
Index --锛濪etails

The President Yu Guangyuan of the WMO Heard the Work Report

Secretary-General Jiang Xuanqi of the World Mahjong Organization and other persons had reported to the President Yu Guangyuan. This includes information about the successful Open European Mahjong Championship, the General Assembly of the European Mahjong Association, analysis about BTG travel agency and operation of the World Mahjong Net.

The President Yu Guangyuan warmly received the report and inquired about the Second World Mahjong Championship in Holland next year, he also congratulated the President Robert Rijnders of Netherlands Mahjong Association had been elected the President of the European Mahjong Association and Ms. Tina Christensen, the President of Mahjong Denmark and the Vice President of European Mahjong Association had been elected the Vice Secretary-General of the World Mahjong Organization.

He also emphasized the importance of communication among member organizations, promotions of Mahjong around the world, and combination of on-line competitions and off-line competitions, level up international Mahjong competitions.


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