World Mahjong Contest Center_Listinfo
Index --锛濪etails

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            Every game need rules, otherwise, and then will loss the order and efficiency, loss the fair and equitable. It is no exception for Mahjong. When we abide the rules, it reflects our refinement, knowledge, wisdom, moral integrity, order and respects for others, ourselves, manner and fairness.
           Mahjong is as same as other games, has intelligence, moral conducts and mutual benefit in it. So we have to love and act accordingly to the rules.
           With the development of the human intelligence, so many people concerned reasonable and scientific of the mahjong rules. After several generations by hard work and practice, the mahjong rules will open up the charm of mahjong as much as possible. Mahjong competition rules that is continuation of the work, it is a success of innovations; it is reality sense in the traditional.
           Mr. Yu Guang yuan said:"Mahjong comes from china, yet belongs to the whole world."
           Li menghua said: the wisdom and Mahjong it is one of the best vectors to export a Chinese culture to the world. Gong Yuzhi said: Competition rules should be unified, but at same time also consider the reasonableness, skills and entertaining. They try to save the Mahjong for many years, and strongly advocated by health sciences and friendly mahjong culture.
           The cultures of Mahjong means contests are the comparisons in practices; through comparisons we could both realize the difference between the idea and the reality. And shorten the gap between and ourselves as well. Contests set reliable and quantitative standards for future targets and encourage people gumption. Contests bring strong will and help people see through success and loss. Even through losing them contests also give jollification at least, and serve as sources of wisdom, this is the essence of the , also it is charm of the mahjong.
            The world Mahjong organization was founded in 2005. Mr. Yu Guangyuan occupies a president, So far, more than 20 countries and regions joined this organization, the science and culture of Chinese mahjong has attracted interest and curiosity., Europe and North America organized a regional mahjong game in these years, taste of the extensive and profound Chinese civilization from the game, cultivate aesthetic capacity of the game and to enhance the creation of logical thinking and experience the fun. I believe this will help people improve the Appreciation and enjoyment for mahjong game.
            I would like to thanks who have taken part in the preparation, formulation and translation of the predecessors of .
                                                                              Ma Huidi
                                                     Director of China Leisure Reaserch Center
                                                                         Jan, 2009 in Beijing

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