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The Sixth World Mahjong Championship successfully ended in France

After eight rounds of fierce competition, the team ranking of the 6th World Mahjong Championship has been confirmed on November 2, 2019. Of the 19 nations, host France was the winner, Russia the runner-up and China finished third by a point.

Individual final, China's zhou yong won the individual champion.

On the afternoon of November 3, the 6th World Mahjong Championship closed, Organizing Team held the award ceremony.

After the award ceremony, Hu Jian, on behalf of the World Mahjong Organization, presented the "golden rooster award for successfully holding the 6th mahjong world championship" to the French mahjong association. The "promotion award" of Chinese mahjong culture was presented to the leaders of the event organizers, Lyon mahjong club of France and the Russian mahjong club.

Mathieu, President of the French mahjong association, presented the "designated brand award" to the sponsor of the world championship named automatic mahjong table "Tryon mechanical and electrical equipment co., LTD".

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