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Italy will host sixth World Mahjong Championship in 2019

       World Mahjong Organization granted hosting right of sixth World Mahjong Organization to European Mahjong Association and Federazione Italiana Mah Jong. World Mahjong Organization had done so after careful review of all candidates and their credentials. The sixth World Mahjong Championship will in Italy coming 2019.
       The Championship should follow the direction and guidance of the Mahjong Competition Rules by the World Mahjong Organization in the spirit of Olympic sportsmanship.
      The selection of referees should follow the guidance of the Mahjong Competition Rules. Referees will participate upon the approval of the World Mahjong Contest Center.
Players quota will selected by member associations upon agreed plan.
      World Mahjong Organization will support and assist the Federazione Italiana Mah Jong and the European Mahjong Association to achieve a great success of the sixth World Mahjong Championship.
                                                                                World Mahjong Net

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