World Mahjong Contest Center_Listinfo
Index --锛濪etails

A Letter from Neil Bush to Secretary-General Jiang Xuanqi

Dear Mr. Jiang
      Thank you very much for mahjong rule book. I've always been curious how to play. Good luck with your promotion of this very popular game.
Best wishes always

International Mahjong Competition Rules by World Mahjong Organization

Foreword of Mahjong Competition Rules
        Mahjong is a creature of wisdom of leisure and game, it is also one of the play activities of leisure and game.  Rules is necessary for all play activities, Mahjong is no exception. Following the rules reflects  people's knowledge, wisdom, upbringing and integrity, and it also shows respect for other people,  ourselves, justice and etiquette.  
        The translation and publish of international Mahjong Competition Rules is the foundation  of practice "healthy, scientific and friendly Mahjong culture", it is admission to Mahjong.  As other games, Mahjong is a game of meeting of wisdom, reflection of integrity, long lives the friendship, helping each other and needed. Mahjongs rules should be treated with respect and dignity.  
                                                           China Leisure Research Center  

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